

Our pillars: Strategic consulting, planning and implementation

AKOMASA Creative Connections links African tourism services and products with the German speaking market (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). We support countries, provinces, regional representations (DMOs), tourist boards, tour operators, hotel providers, airlines and providers of industry-relevant products in the planning, implementation and optimisation of their PR and marketing activities.


Market Analysis, Consulting & Planning

In which market environment would you like to offer your services? We have known the German-speaking travel market and its participants for over 30 years. We research and evaluate your possibilities, offer strategic solutions and concepts, and support you in implementing the measures and monitoring the results.  



Whether small campaigns or comprehensive strategies - we identify your target groups, find the right approach and the appropriate channels and discuss the respective KPI's with you!


PR Work

We know which media is addressed with what specific topic, when and how. Trust in our long-standing contacts to the relevant journalists in the German-speaking markets.


Social Media

Which channel makes sense for your communication, with which topics and which visual language do you reach your respective target group and how can you achieve the best ROI - and by that we do not mean clicks? We would be happy to advise you on your social strategy or could also manage the respective social media channels for you.


Content Management

We evaluate what topics you have to offer and consider together with you which additional content could be needed for which purpose or how to make existing topics work for different channels. And of course, we are also happy to write!



Unusual ideas, exciting locations, a fresh, target-group-oriented approach - all this against the background of conveying the desired messages and in compliance with and optimization of budget constraints.

